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$100M Offers Workflow: Crafting Your $100M Offer with AI
8 min

$100M Offers Workflow: Crafting Your $100M Offer with AI

Oct 10
8 min

$100M Welcome to Gen AI University! If you're searching for cutting-edge ways to supercharge your business strategies with AI, you've landed in the right spot. In this video, we demonstrate how to utilize artificial intelligence (Claude AI) for crafting top-tier business offers. Using insights from Alex Hormozi's influential book, $100M Offers, Darby demonstrates how the $100M Offer workflow can be achieved with the help of AI alongside your reading and implementation of the $100M Book.Note: This demonstration is in Claude AI.

Alternatively you can test it out in other tools like ChatGPT, Bard, Jasper and more to test the results.Key Highlights:In-Depth Workflow Walkthrough: Take a deep dive with Darby as he systematically breaks down the $100M Offer Workflow, using the innovative Claude AI. Whether you're a newbie or a seasoned marketer, there's something to learn here.Refinement Tips & Tricks: It's not just about creating an offer, but about making it irresistible. Darby shares tips to tweak, refine, and perfect your offer for optimal impact and resonance with your target audience.

Get the $100M Offers Book on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3rP1Ue1

Copy & paste this version of the workflow demonstrated in ChatGPT or Claude to run it for yourself:


$100M Offer Recipe 📖

Creating Your Grand Slam Offer with Artificial Intelligence

=> Watch Alex Hormozi's Free Training @ Acquisition.com/offers-start

Recipe Produced By: GenAIUniversity.com

Offer For: {Insert Product/Service Name}

DARBY'S NOTE: Creating an offer with Jasper is one of the fastest and best ways to create a high-performing, grand slam offer that provides value in many different ways. Pair Jasper with Alex Hormozi's #1 Best-Seller, $100M Offers, to help you "make an offer SO GOOD people feel stupid saying no." Use this recipe to create an offer that is truly one-of-a-kind, differentiated from the competition, and easy to understand and implement. Improving your offer is the highest value thing you can do for growing your business, so what are you waiting for? Get started working on your offer with this recipe today. For more recipes and training on AI-powered workflows visit GenAIUniversity.com and subscribe.

Start Here: Content Brief

Answer these 6 questions in 600 characters or less inside the Content Brief, then expand on each command (=> or >) of the recipe. These commands are for Jasper and/or you to answer. When you find a content brief that produces winning outputs, copy & paste the context provided in each section below for future reference.

=> What? What is the concept, topic, or idea you want to relate to the reader?

=> Where? Where does this concept, topic, or idea, apply?

=> Why? Why does this matter?

=> Who? Who is this for, or who is involved?

=> When? Is there a concept of time involved?

=> How? Ask yourself how will this happen?

The Tone of Voice:

{Paste Winning Title Here}

{Paste Winning Content Brief Here}

{Paste Winning Tone of Voice Here}

{Paste Winning Keywords Here}


Picking The Right Market/Niche

=> Watch Alex Hormozi's Free Training @ Acquisition.com/offers-markets

I. Pick the Right Market: {Insert Market/Niche}

CRITERIA: Prospect must be:

  1. In Pain, 2) Have Purchasing Power, 3) Be Easy to Target & 4) In a Growing Market

Target Audience: {Insert Target Audience}

Who is my target audience?

Prospect's Pain: {Insert Present Pain}

What pain is my prospect experiencing? List out all their present pain points. Be as detailed as possible here. List out literally every pain point they could possible have

What else does my offer include? List out everything that is included in the offer

What does my prospect want? List out all their desires. Be as detailed as possible

What does my prospect need? List out all their needs. Be as detailed as possible

What does my prospect fear? List out all their fears. Be as detailed as possible

Prospect's Purchasing Power: {Insert Purchasing Power}

What is my prospect's purchasing power? What can they afford to spend on a solution to their problem?

What kind of purchasing power does my prospect have?

Easy to Target:

Is my prospect easy to target? How easily can I reach them with my message?

Where does my prospect hang out online?

Where does my prospect hang out in person?

How do I attract my ideal customer?

Growing Market:

Is the market growing?

Is this market easy to target?

Is this a growing market?

II. Pick a Niche: {Insert Niche}

There are three primary markets that will always be in demand: health, wealth, and relationships. The fact is that those will always exist because there's always a need for solutions to these fundamental human problems.

Your focus here is to locate a smaller subset within one of those larger buckets that are expanding, have purchasing power, and can be easily marketed to.

These three main niches are important because they represent markets that have a lot of potential for growth. Each of these markets offers opportunities for entrepreneurs to make a lot of money.

Alex Hormozi advises you niche down 3-4 levels and provides 3 examples:

EXAMPLE: Health → Weight Loss→ Weight Loss for Women who just had kids→ Following Keto

EXAMPLE: Wealth → Real Estate → Flipping → Without having to see a property all using DMs

EXAMPLE: Relationships → Dating → Over 60 → Without awkward first dates

{Market} → {Niche} → {Sub-Niche 1} → {Sub-Niche 2} → {Sub-Niche 3}

Give an example of niching down in the {Health/Wealth/Relationship} market following the patterns above for the {Your Niche} niche. Use {Product/Service} for context and brainstorm ideas to go deeper

Pick Your Pricing & Maximize Value

III. Charge What It’s Worth: {New Price}

=> Watch Alex Hormozi's Free Training @ Acquisition.com/offers-pricing

Some key tips to creating a Grand Slam offer include: charging what it's worth, being more expensive than everyone else, and high price equals high value. Higher prices tend to get people better results because they are more committed and you can deliver a premium product or service.

Your product is likely worth more than you're charging for it. When you charge what it's worth, you can deliver a high-quality product or service because you have the margin for it. You can also be more expensive than your competitors and still get the business. Being more expensive than everyone else also signifies that your product or service is of a higher quality. Answer the prompts below to brainstorm your pricing and "charge what it's worth".

What is my product worth?

How valuable is my product?

What makes my product valuable?

How do I deliver value with my product?

What is the value of your product or service?

PRO TIP: While working on the command above, consider where you fall compared to your competitor's pricing right now. Are you priced too low, high, or just right? Could you be charging more? Bet so. Go get 'em, tiger.

The Value Equation: Thought Process >>> The Brick Exercise

Let's get those creative juices flowing! Use this exercise as a practice in divergent vs convergent problem-solving before you begin creating your Grand Slam offer. Set a timer on your phone for 120 seconds. Think of your offer. Write down as many different uses of your offer as you can possibly think of. How many different ways could your offer be used in life to provide value?

How many different ways could your offer be used in life to provide value? List out {Number} ways you can possibly think of

Keep listing ways I can use my offer to provide value

Now that you've got a good list of ideas, it's time to start sorting them. What are the most important benefits of your offer? Rank them in order of importance

IV. Maximize Value Using Value Equation

=> Watch Alex Hormozi's Free Training @ Acquisition.com/offers-value-equation

The Value Equation:

(Dream Outcome = Maximize) x (Perceived Likelihood of Achievement = Maximize) / (Time Delay = Minimize) x (Effort & Sacrifice = Minimize) = Value

Dream Outcome = Maximize

{Insert Dream Outcome}

List out the top 5 benefits or "dream outcomes" someone will get from using this product using 2-3 words

Is this a problem worth solving? Why?

How is it helping people achieve a "dream outcome"?

Perceived Likelihood of Achievement = Maximize

What testimonials and proven case studies can I show? Give examples of what a case study could look like in this market.

{Add your case studied, testimonials etc. here. If you want to spice it up, update the Content Brief with the social proof and then run the command below to write a story around it}

Write a creative story in the style of a case study about how my product helped someone

Time Delay = Minimize

How can we make this faster and/or show progress?

Effort & Sacrifice = Minimize

How can we make this easier, more seamless, or more convenient?

Creating Your Grand Slam/Core Offer Part 1

=> Watch Alex Hormozi's Free Training @ acquisition.com/offers-creation-part-1

V. Create Your Offer Components

=> Define Their Dream Outcome

Step 1: Identify Dream Outcome

The dream outcome is the expression of the feelings and experiences the prospect has envisioned in their mind. It's the gap between their current reality and their dreams. It's going from who they are now to where they want to be. Think about how they want to be perceived and identify themselves as. What is their desire?

How does my prospect want to be perceived? What status do they want to achieve? What are some dream outcomes my prospect identifies with?

What are their internal desires?

> What are their external desires?

Step# 2: List Problems

People will always have problems. Before and after they work with you. Think about what happened to you immediately before and immediately after someone uses your {Product/Service}. What's the "next" problem they will run into they need help with? Write a list of problems people struggle with and limiting thoughts around them:

=> List out every possible problem a prospect can encounter in a sequence of Problem 1: Problem 2: Problem 3: etc.

Step 3: The Solutions List

Creating a solution has two steps. First, we're going to turn problems and solutions. Then we are going to name these solutions.


{Copy and paste your list of problems from above here now, then delete this text}

List out the problems above and provide a solution for that problem

Position your offer as the solution to their problem

{Reference Step 4 Below for Solution Delivery Vehicles - then copy and paste them below each problem to elaborate on solutions}

{Copy and paste the command below once you've listed out the solutions}

What are creative names for products that solve these problems? They will be included as a bundle with this offer, so be creative and make it sizzle!

Step 4: Creating Your Solutions Delivery Vehicles ("The How")

In this step, you need to think of absolutely everything you could possibly do to solve the prospect's problems. Literally, anything, based on the problems you've identified. This is about what will be delivered in exchange for money AKA what you're going to do or provide to the prospect once they pay you.

=> Use Delivery Cube to think thorough ideas

  1. Group Ratio: One-on-One, Small-Group, One-to-Many.

If I wanted to provide a {Group Ratio} delivery solution for the problem above what could I offer? Elaborate in detail and provide multiple examples

  1. Effort Level (Them): Do It Yourself, Done-With-You, Done-For-You

If I wanted to provide an {Effort Level} delivery solution for the problem above what could I offer? Elaborate in detail and provide multiple examples

  1. Support Levels & Types: SMS, Chat, Email, Expert vs Normal, Phone, Zoom

If I wanted to provide a {Support Levels & Types} delivery solution for the problem above what could I offer? Elaborate in detail and provide multiple examples

  1. Consumption Types: Live/Virtual, Recorded, In-Person, Written, Audio, Video

If I wanted to provide a {Consumption Types} delivery solution for the problem above what could I offer? Elaborate in detail and provide multiple examples

  1. Speed & Convenience: 24/7, 9-5 M-F, Speed of Reply/Response? Levels of This?

If I wanted to provide a {Speed & Convenience} delivery solution for the problem above what could I offer? Elaborate in detail and provide multiple examples

Brainstorm Exercise: The 10x to 1/10 Test

What would I deliver if my product cost 10x its current amount?

What would I deliver if my product cost 1/10 its current cost and had to provide more value than I currently am at my current price?

{Copy & paste the command below each Problem in the Solutions section above}

If I wanted to provide a {Delivery Cube} delivery solution for the problem above what could I offer? Elaborate in detail and provide multiple examples

what are creative names for products that solve these problems? They will be included as a bundle with this offer, so be creative and make it sizzle!

VI. Trim & Stack:

Now that you have all the potential Solutions your list will be pretty big. Prioritize the solutions based on value & cost. You should have multiple pieces you are stacking together to make the offer more compelling. “The Meat & Potatoes” of your Offer:

Core Offer Component #1: {Insert Component}

Core Offer Component #2: {Insert Component}

Core Offer Component #3: {Insert Component}

Core Offer Component #4: {Insert Component}

Core Offer Component #5: {Insert Component}

=> High-Value: meaningful, fast, easy, and believe they can do it and enjoy it

=> Low-Value: not meaningful, slow, hard/complex, not interesting, and don't believe they’ll like it

=> High-Cost: requires people to scale

=> Low-Cost: can scale without people but with upfront effort instead

{Paste Solutions List Here}

Remove all items that are NOT High-Value. Keep only a handful of High-Cost High-Value, and everything else should be High-Value Low-Cost. Start with something that is less scalable (more High-Cost High Value) to get people to say yes and begin monetization. Focus on High-Value, Low-Cost items in order to maximize satisfaction and minimize effort. The next thing to do is to look at the cost of actually providing and delivering these solutions to the business.

Enhancing The Offer: Scarcity & Urgency

=> Watch Alex Hormozi's Free Training @ Acquisition.com/scarcity-urgency

VII. Add Scarcity: {Insert Scarcity}

Example 1: Only accepting X Clients (single number cap for business)

Example 2: Only accepting X clients per week (cap on per week basis)

Example 3: Only accepting X clients per “class”

provide 3 examples of adding scarcity to {Product/Service} based on the examples above

VIII. Add Urgency: {Insert Urgency}

Example 1: Cohort Based (the next group starts next week)

Example 2: Rolling Seasonal Urgency (the end of our spring promo is around the corner)

Example 3: Pricing/Bonus Based Urgency (these bonuses are going away)

Example 4: Exploding Opportunity (you can wait, but the opportunity gets smaller every second)

provide 4 examples of adding urgency to {Product/Service} based on the examples above

Enhancing The Offer: Bonuses

=> Watch Alex Hormozi's Free Training @ acquisition.com/bonus-creation

IX. Add 1-10 Bonuses aka “The Sizzle” of the Offer

Bonus #1: {Insert Bonus}

Bonus #2: {Insert Bonus}

Bonus #3: {Insert Bonus}

Bonus #4: {Insert Bonus}

Bonus #5: {Insert Bonus}

Bonus #6: {Insert Bonus)

Bonus #7: {Insert Bonus}

Your Grand Slam Offer for {Product/Service} is an enhancement to the regular offer that provides extra bonuses to entice customers to subscribe. These bonuses are more valuable than the core product and are meant to solve any perceived problems the customer may have. They are also presented after the price is mentioned, in order to make it easier for the customer to say yes. By stacking bonuses instead of discounts, the customer is more likely to see the value in the offer and subscribe/buy now.

These bonuses are designed to solve any perceived problems the customer may have, and provide proof that they are a valuable addition to the purchase. Bonuses should frame your offer in a way that paints a vivid mental image of what the customer's life will be like after using the product, making it an irresistible proposition. Remember the Value Equation. The value of tools and checklists is higher than extra training (since the effort and time needed are lower with the former, resulting in a greater benefit.

Use bonuses to tell prospects: a) How it relates to their problem b) What it is c) How it will improve their lives or make their experience: a faster, easier, more pleasurable, more convenient, less complicated

The Value Equation

(Dream Outcome = Maximize) x (Perceived Likelihood of Achievement = Maximize) / (Time Delay = Minimize) x (Effort & Sacrifice = Minimize) = Value

write out a list of bonuses based on the core offer and how they should be created from the content above

{Copy and paste the command below each bonus and put blinders on Jasper}

=> Give this bonus a special name that has a benefit in the title

Enhancing The Offer: Guarantees

=> Watch Alex Hormozi's Free Training @ acquisition.com/guarantee-creation

X. Pick Your Guarantees: {Insert Guarantee(s)}

=> Unconditional Guarantee

Example: No Questions Asked

“I’m not asking you to say yes or no today, I'm asking you to make an informed decision”

“Both decisions are risk-free, but only one of them will help you achieve your goal, so which risk-free decision do you think will be more likely to get you to where you want to go in 6 weeks?”

Give an example of a No Questions Asked Guarantee for this offer

=> Conditional Guarantees: Should always be “better than money back”

Always match the guarantee terms with the activation points in your program---what does someone actually have to do to be successful, make those the terms

Example: Outsized refund (2-3x cost of product/program/service)

Example: Service Guarantee (keep working w them for free)

Example: Modified Service Guarantee (keep working for double the time free)

Example: Credit Based Guarantee (give them credit towards other programs)

Example: Personal Service guarantee (you will help them 1-1 until they reach it)

Example: Hotel & Airfare (you will refund them the program and the cost of hotel & airfare)

Example: Wage Payment (we will pay you your hourly rate for every hour spent with us on top of the cost of the program)

Example: Release of Commitment (they do not have to stay in their contract)

Example: Delayed Second Payment (You won’t bill them again until after they make or get their first outcome)

Example: First Outcome Guarantee (You continue to pay their ancillary costs (ad spend, hotel, etc) until they reach their first outcome)

Choose a Conditional Guarantee from the above and apply it to {Product/Service}

Give a list of ideas for a Conditional Guarantee for {Product/Service}

=> Anti-Guarantees: All sales are final, best for exploding opportunities and high-level services

Give an example of an Anti-Guarantee for my {Product/Service}

=> Implied Guarantees (Performance/Revshares)

Implied Guarantee 1: Performance

A) ...Only pay me $XXX per sale / $XXX per show

B) $XX per {Desired Result}

Give an example of a Performance Guarantee for {Product/Service}

Implied Guarantee 2: Revshare

A) 10% of top-line revenue

B) 20% profit share

C) 25% of revenue growth from baseline

Give an example of a Revshare Guarantee for {Product/Service}

Implied Guarantee 3: Profit-Share

A) X% of profit

B) X% of Gross Profit

Give an example of a Profit-Share Guarantee for {Product/Service}

=> Stacking Guarantees

Option A: Pick a conditional and unconditional guarantee and put them together

You're guaranteed to be happy with your purchase or we'll refund your money.

Option B: Pick two conditional guarantees around small & big outcomes with differing terms

Option C: Pick two conditional guarantees with the same terms but short and long timelines to show what they could achieve

M-A-G-I-C Headline/Naming Formula

=> Watch Alex Hormozi's Free Training @ Acquisition.com/bonus-creation

XI. Name Your Product: {Insert Name}

=> Name your Bonus #1: {Insert Bonus}

=> Name your Bonus #2: {Insert Bonus}

=> Name your Bonus #3: {Insert Bonus}

=> Name your Bonus #4: {Insert Bonus}

=> Name your Bonus #5: {Insert Bonus}

=> Name your Bonus #6: {Insert Bonus}

=> Name your Bonus #7: {Insert Bonus}

CRITERIA: Make A Magnetic Reason Why. Announce Your Avatar. Give Them a Goal. Indicate a Time Interval. Complete with Container Word. Change Time Intervals to smaller intervals for bonuses and “sizzle” pieces

The name of the product we will be creating a series of headlines for is {Product/Service}

Write a series of creative headlines/names for this product based on the criteria above. Add sizzle!


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